December 11, 2009
Rate: 3/5
Rocket Singh - Salesman Of The Year may be based on a simpleton's life, but the viewer gets a hang of things only towards the second hour. The entire first hour is devoted to establishing the characters and also getting used to the way sales persons go about their business.
Shazahn Padamsee who makes her debut has the talent to come through. However, she has to work hard on her dialogue delivery and body language. Ditto Gauahar Khan who too makes her debut. Prem Chopra as Ranbir's grandfather finally gets a role of substance, suited to his age and he does a wonderful job. A complete shift from the crass acts he has been made to do of late. The Sales Manager shines through, as well as the guy who assembles computers. Both characters are cleverly crafted.
Salesman Of The Year is more of a documentary on the life of a salesman. Lack of music, romance and entertainment, coupled with zilch hype, will go against the film. A colossal disappointment!
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