Friday, May 14, 2010
Rate: 2/5

Let me put it crudely: admission open mockery of the education system. Those who expect to see a serious, issue-based films will be transferred by a shock. As I am! The director has no idea what it takes to make a movie. This film falls to levels unimaginable in terms of writing, characters and narrative.
Professor Tariq Siddiqi (Anupam Kher) is disappointed with the Orthodox school system and hopes to start college, allowing students to pursue their dreams. Arjun (Ankur Khanna) was shorter than the time a student who does not believe that the classification system. He knows his creativity and individuality are stifling the current education system.
As they feel the same towards our education stereotyped, they decide to go against him and form an abstract pattern of education system to promote non-students in our community.
10 minutes into the movie, and you know Admissions Open is on its way everywhere. Characters appear and disappear, there is no high or low of the story, and unfortunately, no conclusion that can give you the answers. The students have a strange idea, and what hurts worse, the institution they are proud to be part of the Spirit, offering training in bhaigiri, godmen, script writing, cooking, seduction, politics, music. .. And they are all graduates of seasoned professionals from Spirit is sealed. Really, this kind of movie is it?
Amit Trivedi music is disappointing. Ditto performance. Anupam Kher what we see in this role? Ashish Vidyarthi hams. Ankur Khanna is decent. Pramod Mouth Sudesh Berry and is normal. New entrants are completely non-players, and the less said the better in their acting ability and pronunciation / style.
On the whole, Admissions Open doesn't enlighten or entertain.
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